Title: Lucky Author: aimee_blue Rating: T Prompt: Bear Words: 1,110 Warning: Fluff Summary: AU. Miroku is pleased to find the solution to his woe was staring him in the face.
Title: Volcanic Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Catch Rating: T Words: 250 Summary: AU. Sango should be used to it already, but Miroku knows just how to push her buttons.
Title: Homecoming Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Empty Words: 311 Genre: Comedy Romance Rating: T Summary: Post CU. Returning home is always heartwarming, but this time it's a little different.
Title: Teach Me Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Look Words: 4,215 Rating: T A/N: Finally, LJ actually let me post! Summary: AU. Sometimes love takes a while to reveal itself, but it has a cunning way of surmounting all obstacles.
Title: Indomitable Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Bold Words: 250 Rating: T Summary: AU. Miroku knows exactly what he should be doing, but he can't help his possessive streak.
Title: Think Twice Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Story Words: 4,702 Rating: T Warnings: I've been reading too much Shoujo manga again. Summary:AU. Sango makes an abrupt assessment, Miroku uses it to his advantage.
Title: Restraint Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Fire Words: 1,586 Rating: T Warnings: I've been reading too much Shoujo manga again. Summary:AU. Sango challenges Miroku and discovers that she might be able to forgive a certain character flaw.
Title: Perceptive Author: aimee_blue Prompt: Hurt Words: 250 Rating: T Summary:CU.Sango never thought she'd allow it, but it was quite nice to be looked after.